October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! To prepare for this incredibly important month, you’ll want to focus your efforts on ensuring your business is protected against the myriad of online threats that can pose a danger for your business. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone. With our trusted IT professionals by your side, you’ll be able to take the fight to hackers and other entities that threaten your data.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! To prepare for this incredibly important month, you’ll want to focus your efforts on ensuring your business is protected against the myriad of online threats that can pose a danger for your business. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone. With our trusted IT professionals by your side, you’ll be able to take the fight to hackers and other entities that threaten your data.
The Many Threats of the Internet
The Internet is a dangerous place. Your business should watch out for the following threats, which can manifest themselves in different forms:
What Can You Do?
The best way to protect your business from online threats is to take a duel-facet approach to network security. First and foremost is your network’s on-site security solution. A Unified Threat Management tool is a network-attached security device that combines the best of proactive solutions into one easily accessible package. You’ll have access to an enterprise-level firewall, antivirus, spam blocker, and content filter--all of which designed to prevent hacks in the first place, and quickly detect and resolve those that can’t be prevented. It’s the best way to handle network security.
Educating your employees is equally as important, as prompt cybersecurity training can keep your organization from suffering from unnecessary data breaches due to uninformed workers. For example, an employee who knows how to identify a phishing link in an email knows not to click on it, which can save you the trouble of removing ransomware or other threats that have downloaded onto your network. The same can be said about strong passwords. Emphasize the importance of strong passwords for their accounts so that you don’t have to worry about a hacker guessing your business’s credentials.
Are you concerned that your business lacks cybersecurity awareness? If so, reach out to us at 707-258-1492. Our trusted technicians will work with you and your employees to make sure everyone is on the same page regarding network security.
About the author
Sam is co-founder and COO of FormaTech IT Services, he's been into computers since he was knee high. Current IT interests include Security and Mobile Tech.
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